Monday, November 8, 2010

RockMelt - The social web browser

Long time reader, first time blogger…

A friend of mine posted the following link on facebook from regarding a new browser called RockMelt.

According to the article, RockMelt is “a new browser that lives in the cloud and uses Facebook authentication to synchronize a user's browsing experience across machines.” Basically, by using RockMelt you can have the same browsing experience on any computer that has RockMelt. Your settings are saved in the cloud, including bookmarks, browsing history, and even your social media profiles.

Please read the article and watch the video demonstrating the capabilities of RockMelt.

There are issues that the article and video do not cover. It is great that your personal browser and social media settings can follow you around wherever you are, but what else can follow you around? How about advertising? No matter where I log on to Gmail, I receive personalized ads based on the content of my email. With RockMelt, every website on any computer could have ads targeted at me.

What about security? RockMelt will need to guarantee that someone cannot hack into my RockMelt account and then gain immediate access to who knows what from pages I visited who knows where.

Several weeks of Social Media class has led me to keep an open mind towards internet marketing but security vulnerabilities still concern me. The general public is probably more averse to targeted ads and security concerns than I am. As a result, RockMelt may have some obstacles to overcome before gaining wide acceptance.

With that said, I have requested an invitation to use the beta version of RockMelt. I will report back with how my experience goes. Wish me luck.


  1. Sounds interesting. Judging by your tweets, it seems like you are enjoying it thus far. Let us know!

  2. Thanks for the invite, Matt!!
    I've been using it for all of 3 minutes and I love it.
    I love the feeds on the side! But (dumb question) how do you update, for example, your facebook status from that bar?
    I think I read some where, btw, that the younger you are, the less likely you are to be resistant to targeted ads.

  3. Karne, in the upper left there is a button you can also tweet from there as well. I think it should be on the right with all the feeds instead of with the chats.

  4. Sorry, KAREN. I obviously didnt proofread my comment.

  5. Hahaha, AH! I'm so insulted!
    I just found it :) delighted.
    So delighted, in fact, that I tweeted about it!

  6. I just got me some rockmelt. I have to say Matt, the security thing was my first concern too (even before reading your post here), and I'm probably one of the more trusting net users out there. Also, I'm more of a minimalist kind of dude, I'm not sure I like all these distractions, but I'll give it a chance.
