Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Airline chatter turned positive, disaster averted
Seeding Viral Campaigns Appears to Be The Key
Now how do you learn crazy? Because as a future entrepreneur with a limited budget (that probably has $200 set aside for marketing) I want to know how to use this apparently learnable (true?) skill.
I have spent some time looking for viral marketing experts on the web. Guess what? They are REALLY hard to find. There are lots of blogs/forums and people who sell books, but not alot of viral marketing companies - people who will do it for you. The only consistent advice/conclusion that runs as a common thread through most advice is that seeding the campaign is critical to its success. I have attached an article that explains how Old Spice seeded their hugely successful campaign (and doubled sales).
Pretty creative, but not genius.
Our class in reality
You Have 0 Friends
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I came across an interesting site “StumbleUpon” today and thought of sharing with you. StumbleUpon is a social media platform that allows users to discover and rate webpages, photos, videos that are personalized to their tastes and interests using social networking data. It seems like it uses collaborative filtering to create virtual communities of like-minded Web surfers. Rating Web sites updates a personal profile and generates peer networks of Web surfers linked by common interest. These social networks coordinate the distribution of Web content, so that users "stumble upon" pages explicitly recommended by friends and peers. Giving a site a thumbs up results in the site being placed under the user's "favorites".
Here is the link you may want to try ->
A social media campaign for games!
I ran across this website today for a company that is making games. Interesting strategy of trying to involve and teach the consumers about the game. It seems to be a small company trying to get the "buzz" going for their product through most of the social media avenues we have talked about.
This seems similar to what we can do with the skills we are learning from this class.
Is there a job in all this?
"About 34 percent of global chief corporate communications officers say their firms experienced a social media-based threat to their firm’s reputation during the past year. According to the survey, however, 33 percent of the communications professionals surveyed say they’re not prepared to deal with such threats."
33%? If that is the case, it seems there is market for offering services to protect these companies. How can we enter the market? What product can we provide?
Monday, October 25, 2010
The power of one million from the power of one
Activism need not be as dangerous as past decades. Although, this technique may make it easier for the bullys to ignore..?
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Play it safe in Social Networking
New way of donation in using social media
How is your weekend? As many guys know well, I am a very fanatic fan of Oakland Athletics. For sure, I am starting to follow some related news, organization and so on.
Today, I started to follow Craig Breslow, Oakland setup man, who is a founder of the fund for helping children cancer. Just before, he re-tweeted to me and asked me for donation as follows:
Related to the next class topic, social media has a function of viral marketing. Rather than asking for donation in front of public places, it would be more effective to ask for donation in utilizing social media which is changing donation (charity) strategy.
Craig is truly Craig not the fake, I believe.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
A new way of getting my news
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Twitter Can Predict the Stock Market
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sony's Google TV changes marketing promotion?
This would make companies or advertising agencies re-consider their promotion method in the near future. It would be collaboration out-bound marketing with in-bound marketing.
Stay Tune!
Facebook Flexes Muscles on Apple
I am having a great time following the action between the new big four – Apple, Microsoft, Google and Facebook. The battle for information, access to users, target advertising and more has only just begun.
"My LEGO Network" A Social Networking Site Built Especially For Children
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Some Recommendations for Monday's Case
I hope it helps you.
Friday, October 15, 2010
There were a couple of key things I was looking for:
First, was Twitter a visionary foresight or just a lucky shot? I have my opinion but you can decide for yourself.
Second, is it making anybody money? Not a penny so far. In fact, they have invested $57M.
Third, how do they plan on eventually making money? Targeted advertising. How are people going to feel about that.
Fourth, how are they going to grow the product to keep people interested? To me, it sounds like they are moving closer to the space currently occupied by the Facebooks, Flickrs and You Tubes of the world. If that happens we will probably see a consolidation in the market of similar businesses.
Anyway, I thought the article was cool because it offers a peek into the business side of Twitter.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Facebook Movie
Although highly entertaining, aspects of it bother me. The screenwriter, Aaron Sorkin, stated quite openly that his objective was to tell a good story, rather than to be perfectly accurate and loyal to the facts. But this is not historical fiction. This is a depiction of a currently living person, presented as a truthful representation of events. Isn't this libel?
The movie made me realize what Facebook was intended to be. It's a private space for teenagers to call their own. Teenagers need their own domain away from the eyes of adults, a place to express themselves freely, to test out new grown-up things, to get a little wild.
The audience in the theater with me consisted mostly of older folks. They had their own version of Facebook in their day. Their teenage years occurred just as the car became a mass consumer good. They bought big cars, enormous cars -- cars so big that both the front seat and the back seat were like couches. They loaded all their friends in the car and drove around and around the same loop in town, whistling and hollering at other groups in other cars. They went to restaurants that served them in their cars. They went to outdoor movie theaters and watched movies through the windshield. They had dates in their cars. Supposedly, they would drive their dates up to Inspiration Point for privacy, where one can only imagine what went on there. Their parents were terrified of the whole thing.
It's the cycle of the generations. It's no different in rural Africa. During my years there, I saw young people creating their own slang and dress codes and handshakes that only they understood. Their parents were also terrified of the supposed decline in morals and proper behavior.
The Simpsons put it best:
Grandpa Simpson: What the hell are you two doing?
Young Barney: It's called rockin' out.
Young Homer: You wouldn't understand 'cause you're not "with it".
Grandpa Simpson: I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now, what I'm with isn't it, and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you.
Young Homer: No way, we're gonna keep on rockin' forever...
Chris Anderson: How web video powers global innovation | Video on
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Social Media and Legos
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
How young is too young to target with Social Media Marketing?
Monday, October 11, 2010
Gap Succumbs To Online Pressure
Social Media and Sports
Yet it got me wondering...are sports teams on board with this whole social media thing? Is it really a big deal to them--and is it working? So I googled it, and sure enough, I found a recent article about how the Washington Wizards and Washington Capitals have harnessed the power of social media to garner attention from a younger crowd.
To me, it's a natural fit. Who wouldn't want to be able to 'personally' congratulate the Sharks on a season opening win? Who wouldn't want to hear what any big name wide receiver is doing every second off the field? It's a great way to self advertise, and to draw attention to the teams themselves. I think social media and sports are a natural fit, and that more and more social media specialists will flock to big name sports teams the same way they've flocked to big name companies.
Influence of networks on music choice
This is also why you should never, ever talk to me about music: I am not afraid to let you know that you have bad taste. I have a music degree, I am snobby about it, and my opinion is, in most cases, going to be more informed than yours. However, this gets me into trouble, because the purpose of music, throughout the history of mankind, has been largely social: no one sings along to Miley Cyrus because the music itself is so stimulating, it's just that Miley's been foisted on us with chilling effectiveness, and so by default it's what we all know and can collectively rally around. And no one likes the guy in the back of the room that points this out while everyone else is trying to do karaoke.
But here's a positive view: now that you're aware of this, you are empowered to choose only good music. Pop music is a modern-day Soma, unnoticed but caustic. It's an area where I believe marketing really is doing cultural damage, and the only way out is to pay attention to the music you purchase, the radio stations you choose, and the shows you attend.
And so it begins: Targeted Ads

Click on it to be monitored!
Not by me... but the owner of the ad...? I think?
Ad Industry Attempts to Self-Regulate Behavioral Advertising:
I find this interesting because on one hand if I don't click on this icon, then I get hit with all kinds of ads. So clicking is good. On the other hand, will clicking open the flood gates? Am I signaling that I want more ads? Who exactly gets the data - Who is watching?
Here are some insightful reasons from IDEO to give away some level of privacy:
Sunday, October 10, 2010
"I Like It" on Facebook Status: Breast Cancer Awareness Goes Viral
Pre game twitter would be fined from NFL case
Are you excited about Sunday Night Football? Yeah, I am! But, I am not so familiar with NFL rules...
By the way, I found an interesting post about NFL player's violating rules on tweeting one hour before the game.
Because of social media development, we tend to be more familiar with famous people such as singers, sports players, politicians, and so on. It is interesting for us to see their real daily life.
But, just as the above case, it seems to be that their social media use of ignoring the basic rules
would damage their estimate or be compensated very highly.
We have to be careful to the basic rules in utilizing social media.....
Xtranormal_Can sites like this be a new social media tool?
This means that we can create films and post them on Facebook, Youtube or other social media sites only by sitting behind our computers. I wonder how much attention a subject would get through a good short movie that are made through such websites. It could be cheap and easy.
Now, I am wondering how many great ideas are out there that I have not come across, yet. I am pretty sure there are a lot of similar websites but how can we find them ?
One thing is clear at least, such websites have not been successful on reaching out to people.
The idea is fascinating but it did not reach me before I did.
One last thing, should we have a competition on making a film which gets more hits in the internet? After all, it can be part of our Social Media Marketing project :)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Cons of Social Media from Japanese episode
Hi everybody,
I wanna share an interesting story about twitter episode in Japan related to yesterday’s class, with everyone. Two weeks ago, there was a big election of leader inside Japanese biggest political leader party between Mr. Kan (Japanese prime minister) and Mr. Ozawa.
Somebody faked twitter account of Mr. Ozawa. Initially, many guys misunderstood Mr. Ozawa’s fake account as Mr. Ozawa's message. People were very surprised! But, later, Mr. Ozawa officially announced that the account was a fake.
This shows cons of social media as an invisible social network, especially related to authority.
About the details, please refer to the below website.
What do you think about it?
Putting Technology to its Best Use
I remember watching one of those "world of tomorrow" films from the 1950s. It triumphantly demonstrated a fully-automated nursery for babies. All of the carrying, rocking, and feeding of the babies was done, gently, by a complex series of machines.
At the time, they thought it was a great idea: no-touch, hygienic, controlled, standardized care. Now, of course, we know that it was worst idea ever. Children need the human touch for proper emotional development.
This is not to say that the mechanical engineering involved wasn't brilliant. It was. It just needed the right application.
Similarly with internet technology. As the internet matures, it is providing more sophisticated and more refined tools for sharing information as far as we choose. "Social media" may not actually be sociable. But the fact that any of us can now broadcast to everyone else in the world at very little cost or effort represents a revolution in information distribution. We will eventually figure out how to put these tools to their best use.
For example, one of the best uses of Twitter I've heard of is by a neighborhood produce stand and bake shop. They broadcast messages to their customers: "Just got a crate of ripe bing cherries, $2.99/lb." "Fresh baked peach pies, out of the oven at 3:00 this afternoon!"
It's not a social conversation, but it's a very useful way to transmit information.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Facebook Groups
This is a great application of one of the principles we discussed today in class: scarcity. Now users can create small groups, where they can decide who is in and who isn’t, which will give people a feeling of exclusivity that Facebook is quickly losing. This should help increase how valuable people perceive Facebook to be.
Network Diagraming Goes Glam
Here's a blog about the history--the creator's site and facebook page are no longer working.
Does anyone else remember this?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Social Media and China
While popular social media sites such as Facebook and twitter are blocked in
Some interesting facts about social media in
(Link to the original article is attached below)
1) By 2010, there are 221 million blogs, 117 million BBS and 176 million social network users in
2) 272 million people on instant message, 222 million on online video, 108 million on online shopping (The market leader beat eBay and chased them from the market), 265 million on online gaming and 321 million using online music.
3) Tencent, a Chinese internet company offering services such as instant messaging, online gaming and blogging, is the third largest internet company in the world, after only Google and Amazon. It has over 1billion users, 485million active users, and made over $1.5B USD (which is roughly 3x what Facebook made) with a net margin of 40%.
4) Love Farmville? The first farm game was made in
5) Zhenai is the most popular dating site in
7) $5Billion worth of virtual goods were sold online, which is 5 times bigger than the
Check this article for more information:
a new start
New to blogging, but not social media
Twitter Re-tooling?
But like any other business we examine at Rady, the financial bottom line rules. Sure the company can raise money. The question is can they make money for the investors!?
Monday, October 4, 2010
Way over my head.....
Chris Turl - Thank you very much for your honesty and candidness.
With all of that as prelude I am throwing myself off the cliff. It's more out of fear of being left behind than excitement of what I can do with this stuff. Iam praying that excitement comes though. For now I am going to have to trust that ignorance is not bliss in this case. I remember showing my grandparents how to use a tv remote a few decades ago and their refusal to accept that any such technology could have value.
I'll ask stupid questions for laugh and then do me the favor of an answer. I would rather look ignorant here than out in the real world after we graduate. Thanks in advance!
Rady Social Media Marketing: Happiness is Healthy Socializing
Happiness is Healthy Socializing
But notice that the author focuses on human contact when it comes to socializing. I wonder if digital socializing is just as healthy. My gut (getting bigger due to a digital lifestyle) says no. But then again for people that are introverts, using tools like facebook and twitter could be a great on-ramp for being more social in life. Or is it a crutch?
From a business standpoint, if a promotion promotes healthy social atmospheres, there is a positive relation to the brand/product. So sitting and commenting on blogs or bulletin boards is healthy vetting, but not healthy lifestyle. Well, that's my opinion... as I write my first real blog!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
"The Social Network" Number One In Box Office
Who has time for this social media?
But I had nothing to say. Does Ryan care that I was going to pick up my car from being serviced? Does Andrew or Josh care that I played with my daughter after class? And I started to think, in the time it took me to establish my in-group of sorts, I could have gone for a run, read a book, or headed to the beach to go surfing.
So I have become curious, who has the time for this social media? How much does the average person spend setting up these profiles, finding friends, finding products or companies, how fast of an internet connection do they have, do they use a home computer mostly or a smartphone? Since I was curious, I searched and found an article about who uses social media ( ). It says 80% of Americans use social media, but can we better the process?
My experience with Facebook has been similar. It takes time to upload pictures, keep up with the multitude of conversations, accept new friends, find old friends, think about whether I want to stay in contact with the bully is high school who is now wishing me Happy Birthday because he saw it on Facebook, and then to think about what I want to tell people about my day.
Considering my experiences with social sites and the electronic world have been draining at best, is there a way to streamline the process? Have others had similar frustrations? Is tweeting and Facebook much more enjoyable when you have a mobile device that helps you to do it on the run? I am amazed that (according to Malcolm's post) people are willing to pay real money for property in a virtual world!
Just my thoughts. Maybe I am not cut out for the virtual world? But then again, I cannot be the only one. How do we better bring people like me into these realms?
P.S.- This is my first blog posting. So be nice!