Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dancing with the Stars and Social Media Flaws

If you have not been watching Dancing with the Stars (yes, I am married), you have been missing a great example of where social media has its flaws. ( http://fxn.ws/9uzNoc and http://usat.ly/aNY46E) Bristol Palin (Sarah's daughter) has continually advanced in the contest because conservative Republicans (advocates of Sarah) have organized on social media sites and made great efforts to vote on-line for Bristol each week (sometimes creating multiple email addresses to increase the number of votes). Yes, they are gaming the system, but it also identifies some of the issues with social media (namely, you do not always know who your audience is and you cannot always trust them!).

The lesson learned is that if you are going to create a social media tool, you have to understand the weaknesses of your system.

On another note, I think its funny that the Republicans lost in the Senate, but they are organizing over a dancing contest! I am not sure they really understand the value of social media...

1 comment:

  1. Politics are always fun! But I do not think any of the political parties are doing very well to be honest. And I take it you are talking about the rise of the tea party...
